Canned tomatoes: the wonder fruit

Canned tomatoes: the wonder fruit

Tomatoes are well used and loved throughout the world. They contain powerful phytonutrients that have made some refer to it as the wonder fruit! Keep reading to learn more about how canned tomatoes can boost health.

There’s a hype around canned tomatoes, and for good reason! Tomatoes are a “wonder fruit” that are filled with chronic disease fighting phytochemicals. It is no wonder why they have been a staple in many culture’s cuisines. Of course, canned tomatoes contain important nutrients like fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, but the phytochemicals are the real starts of the show!

Canned tomatoes boost health because they contain nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, and folate. However, there are additional compounds within fruits and vegetables that are called phytochemicals, which are non-nutritive compounds that have powerful antioxidant effects on the body. The two classes of phytochemicals found in tomatoes are carotenoids and polyphenols. The carotenoids include lycopene, phytoene, and beta carotene, and the polyphenols include flavonoids, flavanones, and flavones [1]. The great thing about these phytochemicals is that their bioavailability can be increased with ripening or with cooking. One of the phytochemicals that has powerful health properties is lycopene. Lycopene is a potent antioxidant that has shown to be helpful in the protection against certain cancers, cardiovascular disease, and other disease and conditions related to aging [1]. It also gives tomatoes their beautiful red color!

So how exactly does lycopene boost health? Diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease are caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS) induced oxidative stress, which can damage the proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids within the body. Lycopene is a particularly potent antioxidant that can trap ROS and reduce the damage caused by it. In an uncooked tomato, the lycopene exists in a microcrystalline form that makes it difficult to be absorbed by the body [1]. When we heat, or cook the tomatoes, the cell walls rupture and release the lycopene. Therefore, using canned tomatoes is a great way to boost the lycopene in your diet because they are already cooked!

Learn more about the benefits of lycopene with these resources:

Lycopene and Canned Tomatoes May Help with Cancer Prevention
Health Connection Between Tomatoes and Lycopene
What is Lycopene?


  1. Chaudhary, P., Sharma, A., Singh, B., & Nagpal, A. K. (2018). Bioactivities of phytochemicals present in tomato. Journal of Food Science and Technology55(8), 2833–2849. 
The link between canned tomatoes and higher nutrition intake

The link between canned tomatoes and higher nutrition intake

Did you know that using canned foods can provide you with both convenience and better health? Here’s what science has to say about canned tomatoes and higher nutrition intake.

In our modern times, we are all about convenience, especially when it comes to cooking. Although fruits and vegetable are important to include in our diet, many of us may gravitate towards easy, no hassle options that we can make in a pinch. Some of us may even feel guilty when we don’t spend hours in the kitchen prepping and cooking fresh vegetables. The good news is that you do not have to sacrifice valuable time to eat healthy!

Canned goods have been used for years to preserve the summertime crops and ensure that food was available all year round. Perhaps in these modern times, you may feel guilty about consuming processed foods because you are told that they are all bad for health. The truth is that not all processed foods are created equal. Technically, canned vegetables are considered processed, as they are washed, cooked, and prepared to stay fresh on your shelf for many months. With so little time in our busy schedules, why not utilize these canned options to have quick and easy produce available to us at any time of year?

There is a myth that canned vegetables are not as nutritious as fresh ones. This myth is false. In fact, research has shown that those who frequently consume canned foods tend to consume more nutrient-dense foods and have a higher nutrient intake compared to those who don’t consume canned foods [1]. In this study, the group who consumed canned foods between 3-5 times per week had higher intakes of 17 essential vitamins and minerals including potassium, calcium, and fiber [1]. One of the most nutritious processed foods that you can consume are canned tomatoes. This is because tomatoes contain a carotenoid called lycopene that is praised for its powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Lycopene is absorbed much between when tomatoes are cooked, which makes canned tomato products a great way to boost your nutrition!

While fresh produce is always a great idea, canned vegetables are a sure-fire way to ensure that your diet does not falter in times when you are not able to get to the farmers market. So go ahead and stock up your pantry with some delicious processed foods, including canned tomatoes!

Learn more about the benefits of lycopene with these resources:

Lycopene and Canned Tomatoes May Help with Cancer Prevention
Health Connection Between Tomatoes and Lycopene
What is Lycopene?


  1. Comerford, K. (2015). Frequent canned food use is positively associated with nutrient-dense food group consumption and higher nutrient intakes in US children and adults. Nutrients7(7), 5586–5600. 
Canned Tomatoes: Your Elf on the Shelf this Holiday Season

Canned Tomatoes: Your Elf on the Shelf this Holiday Season

Canned Tomatoes: Your Elf on the Shelf this Holiday Season

Let canned tomatoes be your Elf on the Shelf this holiday season by stocking up on this nutritious pantry staple, all while saving time in the kitchen.

By Kaley Todd, MS, RDN

Too often the hustle and bustle of the holiday season leaves us undernourished, sleep deprived, and stressed. As we are thinking of others during this time of thanks and joy, it is also important to think of ourselves. We tend to sacrifice health and good eating to make sure turkeys are stuffed, presents are wrapped, the tree is trimmed, and gifts are bought. Planning ahead and making sure you have a well-stocked kitchen this time of year is essential to help put effortless nutritious and delicious meals on the table in minutes. In addition to spices and herbs, an ingredient that deserves a spot in your pantry are canned tomato products.

Embrace this ingredient as your elf on the shelf this holiday season. Not only are they red and already shouting the holiday season, but they also provide numerous vitamins and minerals, and are rich in the antioxidant lycopene. In fact, lycopene in processed tomatoes is much better absorbed than that of fresh tomatoes. Canned tomatoes can boost the nutrition in dishes, as well as save time in the kitchen. Make your New Year’s resolution early this year, and vow to take care of yourself this holiday season.

Here are some timesaving cooking tips the tomato elf on the shelf has developed to help promote good eating, as well as sanity this crazy time of year.

SUPER SOUPS: What better time to enjoy soups than during the chilly holiday winter season. In addition to being comforting, soups can be nutrient packed and are a great way to use up vegetables you have in the fridge. Make a big batch when you have time over the weekend. and enjoy it for lunch or for a quick and easy dinner after a long day of holiday shopping. Looking for inspiration? Try this vegetable chicken soup or classic tomato soup for a quick and easy meal that is sure to soothe the soul and nourish the body after a busy day.

HOLIDAY MEAL SWAP: The holiday season is a great excuse to have get-togethers. This is very different these days with COVID 19 concerns, but keep these tips in mind for how you can do safely, or save it for down the road. Often these parties revolve around cookies, alcohol, and other indulgences. Why not inspire a new type of get-together that is a healthier party and will offer you and your friends the gift that keeps on giving? Organize a holiday meal swap where everyone brings a casserole to share. Have to-go containers ready so you and your friends can divide the remaining leftovers for future dinners that can easily be reheated. Try this awesome garden patch lasagna for a nutritious and delicious dish to contribute and wow your friends.

TAKE IT SLOW: The go, go, go of this festive time of year can be stressful and take a toll on our mind and bodies. In addition to going to yoga, taking time to de-stress with a walk and getting adequate sleep, embrace the slow cooker. You can prep the meal early in the morning (before stores have opened) and let it do the work for you until dinner. For a unique twist to an American classic, try this Asian meatloaf and let the slow cooker do the work.

SANDWICH SUPPER: There is no reason sandwiches can only be enjoyed at lunch. Sandwiches are quick, easy, delicious and can be nutritious with the right ingredients. After a day of facing the chill and cold of the winter, a warm sandwich is a welcomed treat. Make sandwich night an interactive event in your household by pulling out the griddle pan or panini press and design a make-your-own sandwich bar. Tomato sauce or paste is a delicious spread and compliments cheese, vegetables and a variety of meats.

POWER BREAKFAST: Breakfast is often the least of our worries this time of year and too often consists of a cup of coffee and holiday cookie. Making sure you and your family start the day on the right nutritional note is critical for keeping blood sugar levels stable, energy up and promoting good mood and overall health. It can also help keep you full and nourished, and prevent binging on holiday treats later in the day. Start your day off on the right note with this Zesty Tomato Smoothie.

TOMATO TREATS: There is no reason holiday treats have to be sweet and full of sugar. Instead of bringing cookies to your holiday festivity, consider wowing the guests with a tomato appetizer. Tomato Basil Hummus is the perfect dip to bring with your favorite crudité or dippers, and will please those of all ages. Bonus: Make festive recipe cards that people can take with them since you will be asked for the recipe!

HELPING HANDS: Don’t be afraid to ask for help. This is the perfect time to involve all members in the household to contribute to dinnertime. In fact, often kids want to help and contribute. This is a great time to involve them in figuring out menus and teaching them about good cooking and eating. Involve the little ones in making these Pizza Quesadillas. They can help add the tomato sauce and their favorite toppings. For an even healthier version, use whole-wheat tortillas for the “crust.”

Pass it on! What are some ways canned tomatoes are the elf on the shelf in your household?

Sausage Tortellini Soup

Sausage Tortellini Soup

Who said that soups can’t be filling and hearty? This sausage tortellini soup is a warming and filling meal that can be eaten on its own as an entire meal or served alongside your favorite dishes!

This soup combines the delicious flavors of Italian sausage, garlic, oregano, and parsley for an Italian style meal that can be made in under 30 minutes. This is the type of meal that only requires a few steps, which is perfect for busy weeknights since it cuts back on the cooking time while still adding nutrition and flavor.

One of the notable flavors in this dish is an herb called marjoram. It is a Mediterranean herb that has a similar flavor to oregano, and it is a perfect pairing with the other flavors in this soup. Additionally, this recipe calls for cannellini beans (which are a great plant-based addition that provides both extra protein and fiber) and three cheese tortellini to increase the heartiness.

In addition to these nutritious (and filling) ingredients, this Sausage Tortellini Soup calls for canned tomatoes. This is a great ingredient to add to soups and stews, as they provide a depth of flavor and added nutrition. Moreover, they add great color and flavor to the dishes as well as a powerful boost of nutrition through the antioxidant called lycopene. This has powerful health benefits like preventing chronic diseases like cancer and cardiovascular disease, so grab a few cans of diced tomatoes to pop into your weeknight soups and stews!

Get the full recipe for Sausage Tortellini Soup by visiting our friends at Red Gold Tomatoes.

For other delicious soup recipes, check out some of our favorites:

Creamy Tomato Soup with Popcorn
Fideo Soup
Santa Fe Chicken Soup

Huevos Rancheros

Huevos Rancheros

Have you ever tried Huevos Rancheros? It is a Mexican breakfast recipe that consists of eggs served atop tortillas, refried beans, and salsa. While there are many different variations that exist, this one features canned tomatoes for extra flavor and nutrition.

Between the refried beans, eggs, and olive oil, the ingredients found in this recipe make it easy for you to acquire the recommended amount of nutrients for breakfast. In fact, one of the stars in this recipe for Huevos Rancheros is the canned tomato products, as they are easy-to-use and add a juicy touch to the entire plate.

Not only do canned tomatoes taste delicious in various recipes, but they are also great for your health! The fire roasted tomatoes included in Huevos Rancheros provide a delicious, savory, sauce for the tortillas and eggs to be dipped into, while also adding anti-inflammatory properties to the meal. Lycopene (a cancer-fighting nutrient found in tomatoes) is abundant in canned tomato products. This is due to the canning process, since when tomatoes are canned, they must be cooked first. Cooking allows the lycopene to be better absorbed in the body, thus maximizing its benefits. So, what are you waiting for? Whip up this recipe for a tasty weekend brunch that will surely impress your friends and family!

Get the full recipe for Huevos Rancheros by visiting our friends at Pacific Coast Producers.

If you’re looking for other delicious breakfast recipes, check out some of our favorites:

Zesty Tomato Smoothie
Breakfast Egg Bake
Muhammara Walnut Shakshuka