Pasta Recipes that are Dietitian-Approved

Pasta Recipes that are Dietitian-Approved

Looking to level up your pasta game? These healthy pasta recipes are dietitian-approved and are sure to impress! 

Whether it’s baked pasta recipes, vegetarian pasta recipes or vegan pasta recipes, you can’t go wrong by making one of these classic dishes. While you can make pasta a thousand different ways, we think it’s best when served with tomato sauce (or canned tomatoes) because it provides an added nutrition bonus! 

Cooked tomato products (found in canned tomato products like pasta sauce) contain an ingredient called lycopene. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that has been proven to protect the body against many chronic diseases. Similar to most nutrients, it’s more natural to obtain lycopene from foods rather than supplements. In order to achieve maximum health benefits associated with lycopene, it is recommended to consume tomato products with a heart healthy fat, such as olive oil or avocado. That’s why we recommend enjoying lycopene and its health benefits through delicious foods such as these healthy pasta recipes. So, what are you waiting for? Enjoy some canned tomato products today!

Healthy pasta recipes that are dietitian-approved

Looking to level up your pasta game? These healthy pasta recipes are dietitian-approved and are sure to impress!