Roasted Brussels Sprouts & Chicken Enchiladas
Dinner is served thanks to this amazing recipe for Roasted Brussels Sprouts & Chicken Enchiladas. Be sure to make extras because they will be gone in a heartbeat!
It’s always a good time for enchiladas. Is it weird to wrap up enchiladas with little, baby cabbages inside? I say no. This is mainly because lately I’ve been living in a Brussels sprouts obsessed phase. And also because it’s always a good time for enchiladas, whether they’re filled with little green Brussels sprouts or not. No judgment here. I accept all the enchiladas.
There’s this thing about crispy oven-roasted Brussels sprouts that just does it for me. Actually oven-roasted veggies in general just do it for me. Oven-roasted carrots with a pinch of sea salt + honey. Oven-roasted tomatoes topped with Parmesan + basil. Umm yeah.
Tomatoes just have this magical way of getting all caramelized and sweet when roasted. A can of roasted tomatoes can do wonders to a plain ol’ pizza crust. Really, tomato anything can do wonders for a dish. Not to mention the powerhouse nutrient lycopene, which tomatoes are bursting with.
I buy a lot of tomato paste. It’s one of those pantry staples just necessary for life. So many recipes call for a delicious addition of tomato-y goodness. Enchilada sauce, pasta sauce, pizza sauce, soups, stews…they all NEED it. This article on how to save leftover tomato paste has spared quite a few half empty cans of the stuff.
So for this recipe I filled enchiladas with mashed acorn squash, which makes them oh-so-creamy without being super heavy and cheesy. A little of extra sharp cheddar on top adds plenty of cheesy goodness. Pair that with the sweet enchiladas sauce and you’ve got yourself a perfect dinner.
Roasted Brussels Sprouts & Chicken Enchiladas
Enchilada Filling
Enchilada Sauce
Kylie is a food blogger and dietetic intern living in Houston, TX. Her recipes try to make healthy eating something to look forward to. While healthy eating is important, Kylie is a huge fan of everything in moderation…including moderation. You can connect with Kylie on instagram, twitter, facebook, bloglovin or pinterest.
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